
The Bitch is Back!

I choose this title for a reason. When I was on my way home I was listening to Elton John and the song "The Bitch is Back" came on. Then when I got home my parents were watching Will & Grace and it was the gay mafia episode and at the end when it's revealed that Sir Elton John is the head of the gay mafia (so fitting) he says "This Bitch will be back!" and I knew what I had to do. I HAD to start back on the gloves and MAKE them work. And that's what I'm doing. THIS BITCH IS BACK! I'm taking cues from the Domiknitrix and I'm going to whip my knitting into shape. I WILL make these gloves. Terrible pattern be damned!

1 comment:

Gena said...

Can I just say it? I love you. This post was so you. I love Elton John (you know, my generation :)) and I think it is just funny how God works.

I know you'll finish those gloves and they will be beautiful and perfect for you.

Come see us soon.

Mama Gena