

Well things have been a little crazy lately. While pet sitting for my parents while they are out of town, Curtis and I found my cat (who lives with my parents) Angus unable to move his back legs. After rushing him to the Animal ER they determined that he has most likely had a spinal stroke. He's been on steroid shots since Saturday night and continued them today when we moved him to his primary vet.

Oh and he only has one eye. Cute right?

Needless to say I have cried my eyes out over this and am SO HAPPY he's not only feeling better but is getting better. He still doesn't want to use his left leg which is the worst one but he's able to move it now where it wouldn't even bend at all when we found him. He's been nothing but a sweet happy kitty during this whole deal and everyone taking care of him has remarked about his sweet personality. He's been himself this whole time which means he's not giving up. I'll update tomorrow with more news once I pick him up.



I am starting to make some progress. Still plugging along on my knitted shawl. Looking into making some yoga socks with some random sock yarn I have lying about.

Next on the list is a Lorax quilt. I picked up the first bit of fabrics today on my way home. This one is going to be a slow collection seeing that we are still saving for our super awesome trip this summer.

I am also working on a baby strip quilt but its a surprise so no pictures yet. The quilt top needs to be trimmed and squared up and I have to go look at some fabric for the back. I have rethought the original fabric I picked out for the back and in place of polka dots I'm using a solid.

I also have the fabrics I need to make a the second quilt for the cats. As soon as hubby is done with his set of projects that currently reside on the only table we have to use I will be able to put it together and try my hand at free motion quilting.

There is some tulle that needs to be worked up into some reusable veggie bags for the grocery store.

That's all for now. More pictures to follow as I begin getting things done!


Good news

I can now blog from my phone. Perhaps that means more updates! Short one for now though.