I know this picture looks very similar to the one I posted in my last post. I assure you it is not. I finished that piece and I'm working on the second. This is the last piece of the sweater so when I finish that I get to sew it together! I'm knitting like mad on it because I need exactly those needles in order to start on a Christmas gift. I thought about buying another set but I know once I start working on that gift I will NEVER finish the cotton sweater. I'm doing this for my own good and so I can be fair to the cotton sweater.
And in being a yarn whore. I have to buy new yarn every once in a while. Here is my new yarn.
First. Alpaca Cloud for a new lace project.
Back to the new stuff. These three are all different yarns. The gray is Andean Silk The peach is Andean Treasure and the mint is Ambrosia. All of these yarns are made with Alpaca and some have silk and cashmere blended. They are VERY soft and make great baby sweaters.
Cotton is also a favorite of mine. The pink is Shine Worsted The blue is Main Line and the hot pink is CotLin.
Ok so I know it doesn't make much sense to buy only one skein of each yarn. However while I can't really make anything of it I can make guage swatches. Which is why I bought the yarn in the first place. It doesn't make much sense to buy enough yarn for a whole project if you only come to realize that they yarn will not even work. Not only would it be unwise but it would just plain suck.
I did buy enough KidSilk Haze for a whole project. It's for a Christmas gift. The gift that I need those other needles for. KidSilk is beautiful Mohair yarn. It's so soft and light. It almost feels weightless. It's a very pretty shade of purple called dewberry. As you can see by the price tags (which I just now realized I didn't remove) it's kinda expensive. The yarn is worth the price though.
I also bought yarn to make myself feel a little better. I went to the dermatologist last week just to get my skin checked out and make sure everything was normal (which I thought it was) and come to find out, I have Rosacea. I am on some oral meds and some gross smelly face cream to try and get it to clear up. There is no cure for it, it can only be controlled. So I now have a list of things to stay away from. No more Dove, Dial, Irish Springs, Neutrogena, fabric softener, Mary Kay, Bath and Body Works, Spicy Foods, body products containing alcohol (body sprays, etc...), Mouth wash, whitening toothpaste, chocolate, and caffeine. Now while I won't be able to stay away from all of these the all the time (asking a woman to give up chocolate is wrong) I am going to watch for these things. It gets worse with age so if I take care of my skin now it will stay healthy and should continue to look fine. I never had issues with my skin, not even as a teenage. Controlling it now is what I have to do and it is what I plan on doing.
All of your new yarn is just beautiful, as usual. So, just WHEN are you going to open that shop? You know I'll keep asking until you actually do it. And, hey, I'm not getting any younger.
I have Rosacea, too. The meds they gave me made me itch, so I stopped using them. I also use all of that other stuff you're not supposed to use. And, I eat and drink all of the stuff you're not supposed to eat and drink. I'm bad. I know. Mine is not awful, but I do always try to keep my face shaded when I'm outside. The sun, and really spicy food, seem to be the only two things that aggravate mine. I'll say a prayer for you.
We still miss you!
i was about to tell you that my mom has rosacea but then she told you before i got a chance! also, if it were me, i'd totally avoid all those things and feel really good about myself for like two weeks and then i would be like "oh well, fuck it" and probably avoid only the things that come in contact with my skin. haha.
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