I picked them up and declared that I would buy them no matter how expensive. I HAD to have them and I now have them. My wonderful grandmother bought them and my work shoes for me. Being the only grand-daughter has MAJOR perks. She bought me three pairs total (I bought my work shoes in black and brown so I would have shoes to match any outfit). I have already worn these shoes on 4 different occasions and I have only had them a little over a week. Impulse shopping is not always a bad thing.
Also this past Sunday I went to a movie with my mother and our friend Cindy. We went and saw Becoming Jane and I must insist that every woman I know go see this movie. As everyone who knows me is aware, I am a hardcore Jane Austen fan. So hardcore I own as many books about her and her novels that I can get my hands on (and also afford). This look into the inspiration for her most famous novel Pride and Prejudice (anyone who has not read this MUST read) is so moving. The movie really brings the writer to life. Many times we as readers tend to forget that the people who wrote out favorite works are still human. They had lives, struggles, feelings and emotions. And in understanding their life their writings take on a whole new life. I have several copies of Pride and Prejudice (and am always looking for a very tiny pocket book size of the novel). It has been my favorite novel for some time now. I don't see that fact changing any time soon.
Still working on the big cotton sweater. I finished the sleeves and have moved on to working on the back.
And the Mystery stole continues to be a work in progress. The last clue has been posted and I'm working on the next to the last clue. It should be done and blocked soon hopefully. It doesn't look like much now but it will. I hope.
I LOVE those shoes! Lucky!
I'm supposed to go to see Becoming Jane at some point with a friend of mine. She's taking me for a belated birthday gift. I'm glad you gave it a good review. I haven't heard a bad one yet.
those shoes are amazing. please do not ever wear them with those socks.
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