And antique sewing machine. I saw it at one of the booths and it didn't have a price tag on it so I was curios and asked the guy running the table for the price. He didn't know so he called the owner and she said she could let it go for $15! So using my best poker face I said "yeah I think I could take it." This machine is worth around $200-$300. I got a deal. It's a hand crank sewing machine which is something I've not actually seen upclose before.
While on vacation I continued knitting on the mystery stole. I've halfway through clue #4. It's getting longer. It looks great too. I've just got to keep knitting.
You KNOW I'm so jealous of your sewing machine! What a steal. I would love to have one of those. That is a beautiful keepsake that you will have forever. Congrats to you.
So, hey, when are you coming to visit again? And, did you hear anything about your interview with the GBI? We miss you here at our house.
uh that sewing maching is awesome. i cannot believe you got it for $15, you lucky bitch.
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