I sit here working on some sketches for pattern ideas and such and I realize. I wrote last night and after I posted, I MADE A FRIGGIN HAT! I made a tri-color stripped hat with chunky wool yarn. AND I DID. I kinda made it up but kinda didn't. It looks kinda cute, but it's kinda big. I like it though. I'm watching Win A Date with Tad Hamilton with my mom waiting for a pizza to be delivered (I'm starving and in for the night).
Just thought I would make that announcement!
NO I have not quit knitting..... I'm still knitting..... just been neglecting my blog for quite some time.
Projects in the works. A very girly pink necktie for someone. Not sure who I'll give it to yet. Most likely my brother. It's my own design worked in the round, increasing out. It's made with my darling Sinfonia cotton yarn (100% mercerized cotton). Still working on it.
Here is a finished project. SOCKS! a pair of wool Magic Stripes socks (custom fitted ankle socks, I tinkered around with the pattern a little) very warm. I need to make more socks. I looked at sock books today after work. This pair is hanging out on the Christmas tree we put up recently.
An afghan I'm crocheting (that's right... it's crochet... I'm not ashamed) It's one skein in and I've bought another to continue working on it. I have a feeling I'll be working on this one for a few years. Be nice to have an afghan to pass down to my kids and grandkids.
LOOK! The kitten has gotten to where she likes sitting in my knitting basket....
I've recently purchased some new books. The Yarn Harlot's new book for example. I LOVE this book, Knitters go buy it! GO! NOW!
The DomiKnitrix's book rocks. Cute new patterns. I really like it. I've enjoyed reading it and the tips it offers.
NEW ISSUE OF KNIT.1. I have only one issue with this new issue. It no longer uses Lion Brand Yarns for every pattern. The patterns in this issue are not the best ever but they don't suck completely. I like how the editor made a point of telling readers that she hates Valentines Day. I hate it too. Anyway. New magazines are always cool
I've finished Katie's sweater... well almost completely finished it. I just need to sew the buttons on it and then I can give it to her. I haven't found the buttons I want. I want silver buttons (a muted silver, not shiny). The hoodie gave me a little bit of an issue but I got through it.

I don't have a picture of it but I'm working on a chenille scarf that's nice and fuzzy. I like it lots. Well I don't have anything witty to say so I guess I'll go now and take a bubble bath. BYE!
Projects in the works. A very girly pink necktie for someone. Not sure who I'll give it to yet. Most likely my brother. It's my own design worked in the round, increasing out. It's made with my darling Sinfonia cotton yarn (100% mercerized cotton). Still working on it.

The DomiKnitrix's book rocks. Cute new patterns. I really like it. I've enjoyed reading it and the tips it offers.

I don't have a picture of it but I'm working on a chenille scarf that's nice and fuzzy. I like it lots. Well I don't have anything witty to say so I guess I'll go now and take a bubble bath. BYE!
i can relax
At least till I can relax till I have something else due. For now I can enjoy the quiet and do a little bit of knitting. To commemorate this new found joy I am POSTING! YAY!
Enough celebration and now for the knitty gritty (get it!?) I started working on a sock which can be seen here with Angus. He's cool that way. The sock is an ankle sock made with Magic Stripes from Lion Brand. I have to make due with the yarn I have till I can get some $$ to order more from Knit Picks For now I have Magic Stripes.

And a quick double stranded garter stitch scarf. In REALLY soft yarn too. Here is Chester with the scarf on his blue blanket

Angus and Baye with the back of the sweater vest. I should be casting on the front very soon.

Oh and the sweater for Katie. Everything but the hood has been made. I need to pick up some yarn so I can finish it. I'm about to run out of yarn.

Well that is all for now. I am going to watch Newsradio and do some more knitting. YAY!
Enough celebration and now for the knitty gritty (get it!?) I started working on a sock which can be seen here with Angus. He's cool that way. The sock is an ankle sock made with Magic Stripes from Lion Brand. I have to make due with the yarn I have till I can get some $$ to order more from Knit Picks For now I have Magic Stripes.

And a quick double stranded garter stitch scarf. In REALLY soft yarn too. Here is Chester with the scarf on his blue blanket

Angus and Baye with the back of the sweater vest. I should be casting on the front very soon.

Oh and the sweater for Katie. Everything but the hood has been made. I need to pick up some yarn so I can finish it. I'm about to run out of yarn.

Well that is all for now. I am going to watch Newsradio and do some more knitting. YAY!

midterms are upon us and I am halfway through.... thank goodness.... I am celebrating the end of the midterms and my steps closer to graduation by going to a concert with my beloved Whitney. I have no news of any progress made on ANY projects simply because I have not the time. What time I do have I use reading for 40 days of purpose (I got behind) and reading for school (got behind on that too). That picture is simply beautiful and I thought that I would share it.
I am getting ready to get things like papers and such done so you know what that means right? Correct. No time for knitting...
however I did finish the dress (sewing the straps on) and hope to wear it to church soon (keep a sharp eye SCBC) and THEN I shall post pictures of the finished result. Well I need to go do more reading before I FINALLY go to bed!
much love to all the knitters out there
oh and to you non-knitters too.....
I have truly accomplished nothing
except a little bit of school work that is about to turn into a lot of school work with up and coming exams and papers that much be done next week. Part of the reason for this distraction is due to a new addition to our home
the kitten aka missy

cute as she may seems she is a distraction. she's very playful and like to chew on things (books, yarn, needles and such) and is not content to just play with the others but insists on playing with whoever is the busiest and cannot deal with her.... usually me....
however I did get something done... something small....
mittens.... not much but nice

that is all for now... back to the books
the kitten aka missy

cute as she may seems she is a distraction. she's very playful and like to chew on things (books, yarn, needles and such) and is not content to just play with the others but insists on playing with whoever is the busiest and cannot deal with her.... usually me....
however I did get something done... something small....
mittens.... not much but nice

that is all for now... back to the books
no pictures today.... sorry.... I haven't really been doing a whole lot of knitting because I have been too busy (no excuse I know). Today was a long and stressful day due to the fact that I am coming up on some deadlines and I'm trying to make sure that I get everything done so I can make those deadlines. Tonight it is finishing all the reading I have to do for my exam tomorrow (it'll be no problem) and also getting my reading done for my East Asian history class tomorrow. The little bit of knitting that I have been able to get done is a single mitten. Knit with homespun on large needles (ok I know that #10s aren't big but bigger and faster than other needle choices). And now I must run and study so I con get a good grade on this test.
This will be a short update due to the fact that it is 1 a.m. and I need some sleep.....
This is the sweater vest... slow but steady progress.... it won't be long before it's done and I will be wearing it to show all
Working on the second sleeve... the sweater is coming along nicely....

Well as I said I am not going to write much... I'm going to bed
Sleep well all
This is the sweater vest... slow but steady progress.... it won't be long before it's done and I will be wearing it to show all

Well as I said I am not going to write much... I'm going to bed
Sleep well all
far too long
This my dear friends is what has kept me from this wonderful online adventure...... my school work.... East Asian history at the moment
I finished the straps for the dress (not sewed on the dress yet obviously)

I even made a scarf that I will soon mail off to a friend (it's so pretty.... I have one just like it)

I have started on the sleeves of Katie's sweater (I wanted to stitch them both at the same time but did not have an extra skein of yarn)
A cute sweater vest in progress for the winter
and of course..... the nightgown.... which I have made.... well..... NO progress on at all (it pains me to look at it sometimes) I'll post a picture of what the finished project is SUPPOSE to look like.

Oh yeah.... the rest of the sweater (back and left and right sides done)

Sadly my friend I must go... I have an exam tomorrow and I must prepare and I have a feeling I will be up ALL night tonight... hopefully not... but don't count on it....

I even made a scarf that I will soon mail off to a friend (it's so pretty.... I have one just like it)

I have started on the sleeves of Katie's sweater (I wanted to stitch them both at the same time but did not have an extra skein of yarn)

Oh yeah.... the rest of the sweater (back and left and right sides done)

Sadly my friend I must go... I have an exam tomorrow and I must prepare and I have a feeling I will be up ALL night tonight... hopefully not... but don't count on it....
it's not what it appears to be
These are projects that are currently in progress (only two... I'm doing pretty good for a person who can't commit to a single project) it's Katie's sweater..... well.... the back and part of the right side of it... I need to buy another skein of yarn for it to continue it...... I should be done with it before long hopefully...
The nightgown...... still slow.... but steady....

This is not a project in progress.... It's ANOTHER finished project..... I FINALLY sewed the buttons on.... it's beautiful and CUTE.... and NO! I do NOT have baby fever...... jerks....

The nightgown...... still slow.... but steady....

This is not a project in progress.... It's ANOTHER finished project..... I FINALLY sewed the buttons on.... it's beautiful and CUTE.... and NO! I do NOT have baby fever...... jerks....

Progress at last
Yes my friends.... I have completed... not one... but several projects that I had hopped to finish.... For example... the dress. It has been sewn together and I believed it to be done. That is until I tried it on and realized that I am not built to hold it up....
So I am making straps for the dress to help me out (don't want to flash anyone)
I finished the stupid afghan.... for some reason I always start a project like this with high hopes and with excitement.... I always forget how much I loath projects by the end (especially when I have to put everything together). Regardless, I have finished the afghan and it is on it's way to it's new owners
I have also finished a dishcloth set, a set that Angus decided to bless. They have his blessing so everything is well. These will also be soon sent to a new owner (see a theme here?). I shall soon have something new and amazing to add to my own personal collection.

In being a knitter one discovers what KIND of knitter you are.... I am a person who knits simply for the act of knitting. I like to knit just to knit... finishing projects (sewing things together and weaving ends in are a total chore to me)... which brings me to my next point.... I do not want to make another afghan like this for a long LONG time. Simply because it was soooooo much work to make and organize and put together... I just don't think I can make another project like that any time soon. I think I'm going to just stick to things like a sweater and such.
My cousin Julie is expecting so that means that I am obligated to make a baby gift. An AMAZING baby gift at that. I have not yet made up my mind as to what I am goin gto make but I shall work on my ideas.
For now friends I must go. Ben and I are in the middle of watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and I feel I must devote all my attention to the movie.
I shall write soon friends
Yes my friends.... I have completed... not one... but several projects that I had hopped to finish.... For example... the dress. It has been sewn together and I believed it to be done. That is until I tried it on and realized that I am not built to hold it up....

In being a knitter one discovers what KIND of knitter you are.... I am a person who knits simply for the act of knitting. I like to knit just to knit... finishing projects (sewing things together and weaving ends in are a total chore to me)... which brings me to my next point.... I do not want to make another afghan like this for a long LONG time. Simply because it was soooooo much work to make and organize and put together... I just don't think I can make another project like that any time soon. I think I'm going to just stick to things like a sweater and such.
My cousin Julie is expecting so that means that I am obligated to make a baby gift. An AMAZING baby gift at that. I have not yet made up my mind as to what I am goin gto make but I shall work on my ideas.
For now friends I must go. Ben and I are in the middle of watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and I feel I must devote all my attention to the movie.
I shall write soon friends
I have been away from my house for 15 hours today..... I got up and left the house at 6:40am to be at work and then went straight to school from 3:30-8:45 and then went BACK to work to order a book I need for a book review.... there has been NO knitting today (as of yet at least). But I am posting to let everyone know I have not forgotten about the blog.....
Much love and I am off to do school work! *scampers off*
Much love and I am off to do school work! *scampers off*
I feel like I should make it known that while I have been neglecting this aspect of my life (the blog) that I have not been neglecting my knitting.... I have actually been doing a LOT of knitting this summer (since I have been void of the distraction of school with all of it's reading and papers and research that take away from valuable knitting time)

An almost finished dress... this is being (or attempting to be) blocked... once it has been blocked properly I will then sew it together and WEAR IT!!!

A set of dishcloths..... two made.... two more to go.....

So see.... I have not been ignoring my love....... I have simply been working so hard on it.... that I didn't have time to post here.... I'll try to do a better job I promise
Behold.... the fruits of my labor...... no... it's not three plastic bags.... it's the 48 squares total that live in the bags.... these squares will soon be sewn together to form an afghan that is a wedding gift. All knitted this summer 
Also... the beginnings of a mesh cotton dress... (still in the baby stages but progress is progress)

Also... the beginnings of a mesh cotton dress... (still in the baby stages but progress is progress)

An almost finished dress... this is being (or attempting to be) blocked... once it has been blocked properly I will then sew it together and WEAR IT!!!

A set of dishcloths..... two made.... two more to go.....

So see.... I have not been ignoring my love....... I have simply been working so hard on it.... that I didn't have time to post here.... I'll try to do a better job I promise
umm.... yeah....
so I've been neglecting my blog. Maybe, but perhaps if you allow me a moment to explain myself you would understand. I have been terribly busy with school work. Massive amounts of school work. This does not mean that I haven't been knitting. oh my no.... I have contined my knitting as well as picking up a massive crochet project (I'm sure you find it surprising that a knitter would switch sides and crochet but bear with me now) and have not really had time for pictures or for posting. Right now I have finished the back of the dress and have begun working on the front of the dress which is a bit tougher than I first imagined (writing out all those instructions are a pain) so I am taking a break from that for a few days to work on other projects
Such as a purse made out of Lion Brand Landscapes in Deep Sea (pictures will be coming soon I promise), I designed this one myself and have finished all the pieces except the strap which is a work in progress.
I have also been working on my Jiffy sweater (I am DETERMINED to finish the knit work before my birthday) and I am also still working on another baby sweater as well as socks (socks will always be on the needles you should know)
as for my crochet..... well..... in a moment of inspiration..... I set out to make the biggest..... ugliest, Red Heart Super Saver croched afghan...... as for many of my projects I have given this one a name..... it is... The Afghan..... it will be the afghan that will make all others look beautiful (even those ugly 70s ones...) and it will be way too big for any normal person..... and it will be passed down from generation to generation as a topic of how crazy grandma Elise is
This is all for now for I am getting VERY sleepy
Such as a purse made out of Lion Brand Landscapes in Deep Sea (pictures will be coming soon I promise), I designed this one myself and have finished all the pieces except the strap which is a work in progress.
I have also been working on my Jiffy sweater (I am DETERMINED to finish the knit work before my birthday) and I am also still working on another baby sweater as well as socks (socks will always be on the needles you should know)
as for my crochet..... well..... in a moment of inspiration..... I set out to make the biggest..... ugliest, Red Heart Super Saver croched afghan...... as for many of my projects I have given this one a name..... it is... The Afghan..... it will be the afghan that will make all others look beautiful (even those ugly 70s ones...) and it will be way too big for any normal person..... and it will be passed down from generation to generation as a topic of how crazy grandma Elise is
This is all for now for I am getting VERY sleepy
FISHISHED PROJECT!!!! the baby blanket is done
however I am having a hard time getting the stupid picture to upload so I'm going to just include the link to my photobucket.....
Jessie's blanket
cute isn't it?
So I made something yesterday that I am quite proud of....... I made a button up baby sweater..... isn't that the cutest thing EVER!
Really now..... it's super cute..... all nice and tiny..... all it needs is buttons but I can buy those anytime

I'm keeping this sweater..... This one is going in my hope chest for my kid.... and by that time it'll be retro so he'll be rockin cool (did you even doubt that I would dress my kids in cool fashion?)
it's really soft too.... I wish I had a sweater made out of this yarn

However to get to the swearter I had to do the ONLY thing I hate about knitting...... that's right..... piecing the sweater and sewing it together.......
that's what it looked like as a work in progress....... after I got those pieces sewed together and the ends weaved in and the collar and button bands made it was so CUTE!! I love it.....

Next I'm making a purple pullover for a baby girl (yep.... keeping that one too).....
That's my materials..... nice artsie piture there....

As for other projects........ the dress
looks like not a whole lot of progress I know..... but it is.... believe me I know.... my hands hurt from knitting yarn that is suppose to be on 10 or 11 needles but I'm knitting it on 8..... and will eventually knit the bodice on 6..... my hands are starting to ache just thinking about it.... ow...... it's making good progress though..... considering I'm working on so many projects at once

Black hole time..... this is the last piece of the Jiffy sweater..... 20 inches done..... 18 left to go..... I HATE THIS SWEATER.... and chances are once I finish this sweater it'll take a while for me to even work up the motivation to piece and sew it... b/c right now I am having to resist every urge I have to frog the entire project....... i keep telling myself I'm so close that I might as well finish it b/c frogging it would only take a lot of time and result in a big messy pile of over 1000 yards of yarn all over my room..... is it worth it? right now i think so......

ahhhhh...... I like making socks...... they are so simple and can be carried in my purse and EVERYONE is interested in what you are doing...... not only are they interested but they actually think it's hard (silly people..... knitting isn't hard.... it's quite easy...... if you can read you can knit)
This is my recent sock project ( I cannot pull myself away from Sinfonia cotton yarn.....) you can't tell by the picture but it's a pretty sage green.... they'll be ankle socks..... so soft and comfortable.....
however I am having a hard time getting the stupid picture to upload so I'm going to just include the link to my photobucket.....
Jessie's blanket
cute isn't it?
So I made something yesterday that I am quite proud of....... I made a button up baby sweater..... isn't that the cutest thing EVER!
Really now..... it's super cute..... all nice and tiny..... all it needs is buttons but I can buy those anytime

I'm keeping this sweater..... This one is going in my hope chest for my kid.... and by that time it'll be retro so he'll be rockin cool (did you even doubt that I would dress my kids in cool fashion?)
it's really soft too.... I wish I had a sweater made out of this yarn

However to get to the swearter I had to do the ONLY thing I hate about knitting...... that's right..... piecing the sweater and sewing it together.......
that's what it looked like as a work in progress....... after I got those pieces sewed together and the ends weaved in and the collar and button bands made it was so CUTE!! I love it.....

Next I'm making a purple pullover for a baby girl (yep.... keeping that one too).....
That's my materials..... nice artsie piture there....

As for other projects........ the dress
looks like not a whole lot of progress I know..... but it is.... believe me I know.... my hands hurt from knitting yarn that is suppose to be on 10 or 11 needles but I'm knitting it on 8..... and will eventually knit the bodice on 6..... my hands are starting to ache just thinking about it.... ow...... it's making good progress though..... considering I'm working on so many projects at once

Black hole time..... this is the last piece of the Jiffy sweater..... 20 inches done..... 18 left to go..... I HATE THIS SWEATER.... and chances are once I finish this sweater it'll take a while for me to even work up the motivation to piece and sew it... b/c right now I am having to resist every urge I have to frog the entire project....... i keep telling myself I'm so close that I might as well finish it b/c frogging it would only take a lot of time and result in a big messy pile of over 1000 yards of yarn all over my room..... is it worth it? right now i think so......

ahhhhh...... I like making socks...... they are so simple and can be carried in my purse and EVERYONE is interested in what you are doing...... not only are they interested but they actually think it's hard (silly people..... knitting isn't hard.... it's quite easy...... if you can read you can knit)
This is my recent sock project ( I cannot pull myself away from Sinfonia cotton yarn.....) you can't tell by the picture but it's a pretty sage green.... they'll be ankle socks..... so soft and comfortable.....

feeling a little better
I am coming to my sense and realizing that I cannot and should not freak out over this whole knitting black hole..... it's only normal and YES my projects are growing..... my yarn is not just disappearing into the abyss.... and now.... I have pictures
My new sage green sock (ankle socks) that I carry around to knit on)

Ok so I didn't make this purse..... but I'm pretty darn sure I could make something just like it.... and I am going to try to.... I know exactly what yarn I want to use so I'm working on creating a patter for it... wish me luck

The black hole..... this is part of the Jiffy sweater I'm working on and I feel like I've been knitting FOREVER..... this piece is suppose to be about 21 inches long and I'm stuck at 15......

bad picture of the dress..... and I guess it doesn't help that it's black.... oops

SOCKS! my first finished pair of socks.... I've always made just one and never been motivated to make the other one..... but today I actually did it! GO ME!
My new sage green sock (ankle socks) that I carry around to knit on)

Ok so I didn't make this purse..... but I'm pretty darn sure I could make something just like it.... and I am going to try to.... I know exactly what yarn I want to use so I'm working on creating a patter for it... wish me luck

The black hole..... this is part of the Jiffy sweater I'm working on and I feel like I've been knitting FOREVER..... this piece is suppose to be about 21 inches long and I'm stuck at 15......

bad picture of the dress..... and I guess it doesn't help that it's black.... oops

SOCKS! my first finished pair of socks.... I've always made just one and never been motivated to make the other one..... but today I actually did it! GO ME!

keep it hidden
I am thinking that if I keep the baby blanket hidden.... I won't have to finish it...... I still haven't sewn the flowers on the stupid thing and I HATE the border..... I tried to complete the border and realized exactly how much useless work it would be.... The blanket will not have a pink stitch border..... the only pink on the blanket will be the flowers that I will sew on tonight.... maybe..... I should sew them on..... but I don't know if I want to...... maybe I'll take it to work with me and sew them on there while I wait to do my review for work.....
I haven't touched the blanket in over a week.... and I am also proud to say that I finished the socks and have started another.... I am thinking about giving up on the drop stitch vest (it just doesn't seem interesting to me anymore..... sad.... I know.....) but it's still on the needles to it still has hope of being a finished project..... maybe......
The dress is coming along.... still knitting..... and I made a hat as a way of taking a break......
Jiffy sweater..... dear God...... I am starting to HATE that thing..... I am still working on the collar and cowl and it's mind numbing..... it's too repetative and I have fallen into the knitting black hole..... that moment in knitting where you knit forever yet the piece doesn't grow..... that's why it is sitting on the floor in my room...... I will finish it one day I promise.... it's just so BORING!
no pictures which makes this post really boring but I only have so many hours in a day (and I actually got up at 8 today even though I didn't have to.... I'm proud of myself for getting up and accomplishing something..... even if it was homework...... and not knitting)
good luck my darlings
I haven't touched the blanket in over a week.... and I am also proud to say that I finished the socks and have started another.... I am thinking about giving up on the drop stitch vest (it just doesn't seem interesting to me anymore..... sad.... I know.....) but it's still on the needles to it still has hope of being a finished project..... maybe......
The dress is coming along.... still knitting..... and I made a hat as a way of taking a break......
Jiffy sweater..... dear God...... I am starting to HATE that thing..... I am still working on the collar and cowl and it's mind numbing..... it's too repetative and I have fallen into the knitting black hole..... that moment in knitting where you knit forever yet the piece doesn't grow..... that's why it is sitting on the floor in my room...... I will finish it one day I promise.... it's just so BORING!
no pictures which makes this post really boring but I only have so many hours in a day (and I actually got up at 8 today even though I didn't have to.... I'm proud of myself for getting up and accomplishing something..... even if it was homework...... and not knitting)
good luck my darlings
some things are done..... others.... well.... not so much
Ok..... so I've almost completely finished the baby blanket..... the knitting part is done.... all that's left is to finish the details (sewing the flowers on etc....) I would have a picture but the blanket is in the dryer as we speak
I finished a sock and once again.... am without a picture of the finished object..... sad.... however I
have this

It's an almost completely finished sock that tagged along with me to a meeting with a good friend at the Conyers Starbucks. He made me put it away claiming that I couldn't knit and have a serious talk at the same time..... silly boy.... how little the non knitters know......
However happy the finished sock has made me.... I must cast on once again for the second sock..... and then I will have a pair of pink cotton socks.... yummy.... well off for now b/c I need to study for an exam today....
I finished a sock and once again.... am without a picture of the finished object..... sad.... however I
have this

It's an almost completely finished sock that tagged along with me to a meeting with a good friend at the Conyers Starbucks. He made me put it away claiming that I couldn't knit and have a serious talk at the same time..... silly boy.... how little the non knitters know......
However happy the finished sock has made me.... I must cast on once again for the second sock..... and then I will have a pair of pink cotton socks.... yummy.... well off for now b/c I need to study for an exam today....
something so exciting that I could not keep it to myself
ok...... so I just read in Vogue Knitting that a product design student has invented knitting needles that not only keep track of how many rows have been knit, but also how many stitches have been knit. THAT'S F#&%ING AMAZING! think about it...... I could knit without having to stop after each row to click my counter...... why has this not been invented before... this is exciting and i know it's nerdy of me to think so
I'm doing well
Well I am making progress.....
here is the sock I've been working on.... I turned the heel tonight.... looking good......

And here is the yarn I bought on clearance today at Hobby Lobby..... It will soon be made into two knitted baby sweaters.... in fact I've already started on one....

As for the baby blanket? well I've finished up to row 106 of 160.... the only reason I don't have a picture is b/c i have wrapped it up for the night and am just to lazy to get it back out again to take a picture..... won't be long till that is a finished work..... I actually feel like I am accomplishing something..... go me......
here is the sock I've been working on.... I turned the heel tonight.... looking good......

And here is the yarn I bought on clearance today at Hobby Lobby..... It will soon be made into two knitted baby sweaters.... in fact I've already started on one....

As for the baby blanket? well I've finished up to row 106 of 160.... the only reason I don't have a picture is b/c i have wrapped it up for the night and am just to lazy to get it back out again to take a picture..... won't be long till that is a finished work..... I actually feel like I am accomplishing something..... go me......
pictures that are long overdue
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