Enough celebration and now for the knitty gritty (get it!?) I started working on a sock which can be seen here with Angus. He's cool that way. The sock is an ankle sock made with Magic Stripes from Lion Brand. I have to make due with the yarn I have till I can get some $$ to order more from Knit Picks For now I have Magic Stripes.

And a quick double stranded garter stitch scarf. In REALLY soft yarn too. Here is Chester with the scarf on his blue blanket

Angus and Baye with the back of the sweater vest. I should be casting on the front very soon.

Oh and the sweater for Katie. Everything but the hood has been made. I need to pick up some yarn so I can finish it. I'm about to run out of yarn.

Well that is all for now. I am going to watch Newsradio and do some more knitting. YAY!
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