midterms are upon us and I am halfway through.... thank goodness.... I am celebrating the end of the midterms and my steps closer to graduation by going to a concert with my beloved Whitney. I have no news of any progress made on ANY projects simply because I have not the time. What time I do have I use reading for 40 days of purpose (I got behind) and reading for school (got behind on that too). That picture is simply beautiful and I thought that I would share it.
I am getting ready to get things like papers and such done so you know what that means right? Correct. No time for knitting...
however I did finish the dress (sewing the straps on) and hope to wear it to church soon (keep a sharp eye SCBC) and THEN I shall post pictures of the finished result. Well I need to go do more reading before I FINALLY go to bed!
much love to all the knitters out there
oh and to you non-knitters too.....
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