however I am having a hard time getting the stupid picture to upload so I'm going to just include the link to my photobucket.....
Jessie's blanket
cute isn't it?
So I made something yesterday that I am quite proud of....... I made a button up baby sweater..... isn't that the cutest thing EVER!
Really now..... it's super cute..... all nice and tiny..... all it needs is buttons but I can buy those anytime

I'm keeping this sweater..... This one is going in my hope chest for my kid.... and by that time it'll be retro so he'll be rockin cool (did you even doubt that I would dress my kids in cool fashion?)
it's really soft too.... I wish I had a sweater made out of this yarn

However to get to the swearter I had to do the ONLY thing I hate about knitting...... that's right..... piecing the sweater and sewing it together.......
that's what it looked like as a work in progress....... after I got those pieces sewed together and the ends weaved in and the collar and button bands made it was so CUTE!! I love it.....

Next I'm making a purple pullover for a baby girl (yep.... keeping that one too).....
That's my materials..... nice artsie piture there....

As for other projects........ the dress
looks like not a whole lot of progress I know..... but it is.... believe me I know.... my hands hurt from knitting yarn that is suppose to be on 10 or 11 needles but I'm knitting it on 8..... and will eventually knit the bodice on 6..... my hands are starting to ache just thinking about it.... ow...... it's making good progress though..... considering I'm working on so many projects at once

Black hole time..... this is the last piece of the Jiffy sweater..... 20 inches done..... 18 left to go..... I HATE THIS SWEATER.... and chances are once I finish this sweater it'll take a while for me to even work up the motivation to piece and sew it... b/c right now I am having to resist every urge I have to frog the entire project....... i keep telling myself I'm so close that I might as well finish it b/c frogging it would only take a lot of time and result in a big messy pile of over 1000 yards of yarn all over my room..... is it worth it? right now i think so......

ahhhhh...... I like making socks...... they are so simple and can be carried in my purse and EVERYONE is interested in what you are doing...... not only are they interested but they actually think it's hard (silly people..... knitting isn't hard.... it's quite easy...... if you can read you can knit)
This is my recent sock project ( I cannot pull myself away from Sinfonia cotton yarn.....) you can't tell by the picture but it's a pretty sage green.... they'll be ankle socks..... so soft and comfortable.....

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