
Alone and loving it.

It's Friday. My darling hubby who I love more than any man (even David Tennant) is off at a bachelor party. This leaves me at home to my own devices, and in case you were wondering, while I will miss my hubby I will not waste this wonderful time. I love my husband very much and I do enjoy his company. I do, however, enjoy the occasional evening I have to myself. I get to knit, sew, read, watch girlie movies and pretty much do whatever I want. What am I doing tonight?

Washing fabric. I am starting a quilting class on Monday and I need to get my fabric all washed before then. Wonder what else I'm doing?

Eating pie!

Lemon Meringue Ice Cream Pie. I made it on Wednesday and it's been lovely. We sliced it before I could get a picture made. I also made butterscotch fudge brownies but they don't look as impressive as this homemade pie. I even made the lemon curd from scratch.

Besides laundry and pie I made myself dinner, have been watching Netflix programming Curtis doesn't like, and plan on reading for the rest of the evening. I might even work on my sock in progress.

Tonight. Is. Awesome.

1 comment:

Al said...

I don't even really like lemon pie...but I want that. Om nom nom nom nom.