We arrived in Tampa the first car there. Ben, Seth, Lisa, Katie, Britney, Evan and the summer staff where there to greet us as we drove in. Since the truck with the luggage trailer was there first Mr. Keith unloaded it so that it would be ready for the kids and adults to pick up.
Here is Ben and Seth with Mr. Keith talking about stuff. I'm not really sure what they are talking about. I was still a little sick.
Ben and Austin. We had just gotten our T-shirts and stuff. Ben looks dazed. Austin's a ninja.
On our free day we went to the Tampa Bay Rays game. Very boring. It would not have been near as much fun if it were not for this man.
This picture is of the Great Send Off. It done at the very beginning of the week very early in the AM. Everyone gets in a circle for prayer as we begin our week of service to the community of Tampa.
Back at my ministry site, the kids played games with our crew. The guy in the hat is Gary, the guy in charge of the children's ministry at Seminole Heights Church.
The trip was a great experience. The theme of this year was Obedience. As in, we as followers of Christ are called to serve and we therefore must obey that call. As many people know I have major issues with the Western Religion that is commonly called Christianity. This trip brought to my attention that I need to serve more, not because it looks good or because it gives you a fuzzy warm feeling inside, but because I am called to serve. We are ALL called to serve in some form or fashion. What I'm getting at is the popular misleading that not all Christians are called to serve in the ministry. This makes me mad and pushes my buttons because it's totally false. If you are a Christian you are automatically in the ministry. You may not be in the Professional Ministry, but you are in the ministry. The idea that Christians will all of the sudden go "I feel called to the ministry" makes me wanna go "Well duh, you should have felt called the minute you became a follower of Christ". We are all ministers. We are all called to minister and serve Christ, and also people. Just because I am not in the professional ministry (pastor, professional missionary), and that I don't draw my paycheck from a church or a mission board does not make my ministry any less important than yours. I am tired of this "My job is holier that yours" crap. Yes, I work on Sunday, but you know what, Jesus worked on the Sabbath (which is a Saturday people, not a Sunday). If Jesus can work on the Holy Days so can I. Don't forget people, We are all called to preach and spread the teachings of Christ. It is not limited to those who went to seminary, or serve overseas. We are ALL missionaries, we are ALL ministers, we are to ALL Obey and serve. And serving doesn't have to be through a church organization either. That's another lie that Western Christianity likes to spew. As followers of Christ (The title of Christian no longer holds the same meaning to me) we are able to serve in our everyday life, by being patient at restaurants, by smiling and being polite to retail clerks, by volunteering, by offering to listen to someone who needs to just talk. By loving children who no one wants to be around. Our jobs offer us a way to serve everyday. The week in Tampa has challenged me to serve more, and I want to challenge everyone in my life to do the same. Don't do it because I challenged you to, do it because Christ asked us to. Let us break free from Western Christianity and become what the early church was, Followers of Jesus Christ and nothing less.
1 comment:
Excellent writing. I so agree with you, on practically every point you made. I serve others in my own way, and as you know, I'm not currently involved in a church. I believe that it one of OUR highest callings. To me, it falls under the "loving our neighbors as ourselves" category.
I miss you and I hope to see you soon. Are we still planning on the Stitch & Pitch thing? I know it is sometime soon. Just let me know and I'll try to be able to go.
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