
5 weeks left

I have 5 weeks of school left. I cannot wait. I have taken a vow to not do anymore knitting until I finish my school work or at least get it under control. It's on it's way to being in control. I pulled the articles I need for one term paper, ordered the books for the same paper, wrote a book review, am about to write a presentation that's due a week from tuesday, and then write my HUGE senior seminar paper. I still need to come up with my topic for my next poli sci paper. I have till tomorrow. I'm still thinking.

Well.... until I get more school work done I will not be knitting much.

1 comment:

Gena said...

OOOHHHHH!!!! Only 5 more weeks???!!! I know how excited you are. I'm excited for you. We'll have to have a little party. I'm sure we can get Whit down here.

You'll miss the knitting for a while, but just think how much time you'll have for all of your projects just six weeks from now.

Good luck!

Mama Gena