FINALLY a new post. School has pretty much consumed my life (my almost all of my life) and I have had to limit my knitting to small simple patterns. Patterns that I can carry around with me at school and in my car and just knit on . Right now I'm working on a pair of socks out of Lion Brand Wool-Ease. The reason I picked this pattern is because I found Wool-Ease on sale at $1.99 a skein and I can get a pair of socks out of a skein. I have about 9 skeins, so 9 pairs of socks. Should keep me entertained for some time.
This is a pair I'm working on right now. This is sock #1 of the pair.

I am working on a scarf. Made out of some beautiful wool I got on sale. It's so soft and I'm making the scarf in a basket weave which should make it nice and pretty. It's made out of white yarn because the person who will receive it requested the color white.

This is a finished pair of socks. I like them. I am going to give them to someone but I haven't been able to give them to them (I keep forgetting them)

In other news I bought the book Wedding knits by Suss Cousins. It's got some great patterns in it. Also. I cannot say this enough... To all you knitters out there GO CHECK OUT
KNIT PICKSIt has AWESOME yarn at great prices. As soon as I knit up the wool I have now I will be ordering wool from the website (bare wool) and some dye so that I can Dye my own and make a sweater and also some lace weight and some fingering weight (it's so very cheap). Well, I'm done.
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