I am starting a new job this Friday. I cannot express how excited I am to be starting this venture. I have been so excited that I have forgotten to work on the Soda QAL. All I have managed to do is get the squares laid out and organized into rows.
I wanted to work on it yesterday but I had blood work done and honestly it knocked me out.
Hopefully tomorrow will be the day to finally start getting them put together. And finally start attaching some petals.
I have lost the cord to our camera. I have turned this house inside out and upside down and cannot find it.
This should move me to further organize the house and do some cleaning, but it doesn't. All it moved me to do was continue to sew and do some dusting and straightening . Plus some laundry and dishes.
On another note, Maybe it's time for computers to have an SD card slot.
Not from projects. From this insane heat.
Don't get me wrong, I like summer,however I'm more of a fall girl myself. Georgia during fall is nice. It's not cold, but nice and cool with beautiful colors. I also get to show off my hand knit scarf collection.
This week between working, getting started on the Soda QAL and trying to avoid heatstroke I had no time to even attempt a post before today.
All my squares are cut and in a neat stack on my coffee table. My fur babies have shown no interest in them and likely won't till I need to work on them. I traced all my petals onto my fusable webbing with some help from the hubby.
I went one step further and went ahead and ironed the webbing onto the fabric and have started cutting them out. Hubby took care of all the ironing for me so I need to make him something special soon.
I still have 400 petals left to cut out. Sounds like it's time to watch a BBC miniseries.